Please stay in touch with us

You are about to leave our website to buy your tickets…

 Before you go, we would love to keep in touch with you


This year our tickets are kindly being sold through Gloucester City Council’s ticketing system. Please join our mailing list before you buy your tickets so that you can keep up to date with all Gloucester History Festival news, access an exclusive selection of digital events (that we only share with our email list) and be first in line to find out exciting sneak peeks from behind the scenes.

If you are already on our mailing list, and you subscribe again, don’t worry – you will not get emails twice. We will recognise who you are and will make sure you only get them once.

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mailing list

Sign up now to be the first to know when bookings open.

 Making booking easy


We suggest you make a list of all the events that you would like to see at Gloucester History Festival before you buy your tickets. This is because the ticketing website doesn’t have a description of each event. You will however, be able to buy tickets for multiple events in one transaction.