mon13sep2:30 pmmon3:30 pmA Victorian Walk round Gloucester DocksTony Condor


September 13, 2021 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Wheelchair Friendly)(GMT+00:00)


The Ed Shed

Gloucester Folk Museum, 99-103 Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2PG

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Event Details

Entirely illustrated by old photographs this talk by Tony Condor will bring together stories from behind the scenes. Docks life was busy, visiting narrow boats came from the Midlands to mix with local Craft. Sailing ships came up the canal to unload. On the docks gangs of men worked to move the cargoes into warehouses and the businessmen sold on the grain and timber. From this mass of people come the stories of every day life, special events, and the tragedies that life throws up.


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